Saitek X52 Pro Flight System

Released back in 2007 the Saitek X52 Pro remains the gold standard for many in the flight sim / space flight world. Yes there are newer HOTAS systems on the market, but the X52 Pro (and its non-Pro cousin) remain accessible to the masses thanks to their rich feature set and reasonable price point.

The Saitek X52 Pro Flight System is a H.O.T.A.S. (Hands On Throttle And Stick) flight controller for PC and Mac and it is one of the main flightsticks chosen by developers Frontier to show off their space epic Elite:Dangerous. Continue reading

SQL Server: How to export Database Diagram to Excel

In SQL Server Management Studio, how do you export database diagrams into another application like Microsoft Excel?

Creating database diagrams in SQL Server Management Studio can be a useful exercise.  It allows you to visually see the structure of your database tables and the relationships that have been created between the database tables.

While it is useful to see these database diagrams, people often ask How can I export my database diagram from SQL Server Management Studio to another program like Microsoft Excel? Continue reading

Start Making Money Online with Amazon India Affiliate Program

The Affiliate Program in India is one of the newest additions to the Amazon Affiliate Program and it is live now.

Amazon has rolled out it’s Affiliate Program to India in recent weeks allowing Indian webmasters and web developers with websites in India to benefit directly fron the Amazon Affiliate Program and make money online through commissions on Amazon sales. Continue reading

When to register as self employed with HMRC for tax

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series Getting Started in Wordpress Internet Marketing

If you are thinking about starting up in business, either as self employed or in a partnership, one of the very first things you need to is register with HMRC for tax purposes.

Being registered with HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) means that the tax office knows about your business activities and can arrange to make sure the correct tax is paid.  HMRC collect taxes on behalf of the government and when you are in business you are liable for tax on the profits of your business. Continue reading

How to invoice for Google AdSense income in your Accounts

This entry is part [part not set] of 2 in the series Keeping your Business Accounts

Do you invoice for Google Adsense income?

Being a blogger, Internet Marketer or Affiliate Marketer that receives income from Google AdSense clicks is not like a standard bricks and mortar business.

You don’t buy materials, build them into something and sell products to lots of customers.  Instead you provide a platform, your blog, for Google to advertise other people’s products and services.

You receive an income from your visitors clicking on the links or for displaying large numbers of impressions of those advertisements.  So technically you are receiving a payment for services rendered, those being the supply of the advertising platform. Continue reading