Start Making Money Online with Amazon India Affiliate Program

The Affiliate Program in India is one of the newest additions to the Amazon Affiliate Program and it is live now.

Amazon has rolled out it’s Affiliate Program to India in recent weeks allowing Indian webmasters and web developers with websites in India to benefit directly fron the Amazon Affiliate Program and make money online through commissions on Amazon sales. is a new online marketplace for books and DVDs in India. Internet shoppers in India will have access to over 200 million physical books (this does not currently include Kindle e-books).  In addition to books, mobile phones and digital photography cameras will be added to the vast catalog of products in coming weeks.

How to Join the Indian Amazon Affiliate Program Create Affiliate AccountTo join the Indian Amazon Affiliate Program, go to and click Join Now to create a new account.

As soon as you are setup you can start choosing products from the catalogue and create the links to promote those products on your websites.

Amazon will pay you a very generous 10% commission when you generate any affiliate sales via your referral link.  So if a customer clicks on one of your links and completes a purchase, you will receive your commission.  The price that the customer pays is no different, compared to going direct to the site.  But to thank you for the recommendation, will pay you the 10% commission on the sale.  In fact they will pay you a commission on all purchases for all items that customer buys for 24 hours.

Since the commission offered by Amazon in India is significantly higher than other competing affiliate networks like Flipkart and Infibeam it is likely that uptake of the Affiliate Program will be high amongst Indian affiliate marketers.

The general shopping experience on is very similar to other international Amazon sites although as an added feature, the site is so far the only one that offers Cash on Delivery as a payment option. There is an extra fee required to be paid by the customer to access Cash on Delivery but this should not affect the affiliate marketer.

How to Create Affiliate Links on

Using the Amazon Associates dashboard, there are a number of options for creating Affiliate Links.  The simplest is to browse to a product on and on the grey toolbar that appears at the top of the page, click Create Link to This Product.

This will bring up several options for creating text links, image links or combined text and image affiliate links.

You can then copy the HTML that they give you and paste it into your web page.

Note for Amazon Affiliates Outside of India

At present, to register as an Amazon Affiliate on you must have an address in India.

This is different to many other Amazon Affiliate sites where you do not necessarily need an address in the country.  For example, you can be based in the UK and have affiliate links on (USA), (Canada) and all the European Amazon affiliate sites.


One Comment:

  1. Alexis:

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    I would also advocate cloaking your links. Yoast has a good article on this subject.

    This article could be a good browse. Thanks.

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